Thursday 14 August 2014

Sorry Guys + New Hair!

So before I even try and worm my way out of giving you guys plenty of reasons why I suddenly stopped blogging and updating every week. Let me just say I’m sat here on my laptop drinking the best freaking mint hot chocolate ever! However, on more important news… I’M BACK!! WITH LILAC HAIR!!!!

Leave a comment telling me if you like my hair lilac or not :D

So with all that out of the way, I feel like I own you guys an explanation why I suddenly stopped. One of the reasons why I stopped blogging was my whole world kind of changed (gay as it sounds its true)! Which anyone who followers me on Facebook or watches my Youtube videos will have a good guess as why it all changed.

After all the drama which happened I kind of lost myself and forgot about what I loved doing and lost all my motivation and passion as well. Another reason why I suddenly stopped was because I just moved house which was stressful and I really hope to never move house EVER AGAIN!!

So yeah, those are some of my reasons why I stopped blogging, but like I said earlier, I’m back and I’ve got so many lovely products which some of you who watch my YouTube channel (ryanpaynesworld) will have seen but what I love about blogging is I can really go into detail about each product and give you my thorough opinion and the fact some of these products I believe everyone should try! Apart from that, I also want to do many more OOTD posts, as I seem to get asked a lot on Youtube where I got a certain shirt, necklace etc and just seems perfect to tie that in with my blog :D

That is everything I guess. So make sure you follow and look out for a new post in the next week!

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