Thursday 30 October 2014

Going Through A Breakup

I’m just going to start by saying I’m no expect when it comes to relationships or break ups but I wanted to share my opinion on the subject. Okay, so certain things recently have made me think about breakups and how we cope going through one. How vulnerable we are when in a relationship which is the beauty of it since us humans find it hard to let our guard down and depend on people (well at least me anyway).

Like I said I’m no expect. I’ve been in 1 serious relationship but I’ve also managed to really like a few other guys and could have seen myself falling for them but then I ended up getting hurt but now looking back I’ve learnt a lot. I’ve learnt about the things I did wrong and what I shouldn’t have done, however, I’ve also remembered that I did things right! Relationships are a bit like exams; you can’t get everything right (or less your just stupidly smart) but the more times you revise and work hard the more questions you’ll get right, and that’s the same when it comes to relationships. The more you go on dates, meet new people the more you realise the things you’re doing wrong but also the things your doing right.

After coming out of a relationship you don’t really know what you want, and that’s okay. Of course you’re not going to know what you want, you’ve been with somebody (probably in love), depending on them, putting there needs before yours, thinking as long as you’ve got that person by your side; you can take on the world. As time goes on you heal and you realise life goes on. When you’ve cared about someone a lot you never do truly forget them, there’s always going to be something every so often that reminds you of that person and that’s normal. Even if you ended on bad terms I’m sure there were times when you were happy and those times are the times you need to remember, so why would you want to forget them?

Like I wrote earlier after a break up you don’t really know what you want or what to do, but you do notice that your life isn’t the same anymore and that’s what’s going to push you and help you move on. No matter if you’re ready or not, life continues and there’s nothing you can do so you’ve got no choice but to pick yourself up and carry on.  

Looking back at my past relationships and people I was ‘seeing’, I kind of laugh at myself thinking “what was I doing...why didn't I do that?”  and those kind of thoughts are the ones that are going to make you grow as a person and change the way you handle being in a relationship next time.

A lot of people only see breaking up as a bad thing. Yes, breaking up isn’t the nicest thing because you’ve got so use to how things are and depending on your partner and lets not forget you've probably just had your heart broken (which no matter how much ice cream you eat it doesn't really help). However, I’ve learnt positive things do come out of breaking up with someone, I look at it like it’s the world telling you it’s your time to grow as a person and life is taking you on a different path (deep & cheesy I know but that’s how I see it).

One thing you shouldn’t do is regret being in that relationship. Look at it like this, if you weren’t in that relationship you might have not turned out to be the person you are today and you might have made different choices and ended up taking your life down a different path. Or your partner helped kicked started turning your dreams into reality etc. One quote which is so true...

"No relationship is ever a waste of time. If it didn't bring you what you want, it taught you what you don't want."

The last thing I will say is everything happens for a reason. You might have thought you found the one, and you might be heartbroken or going through a breakup right now but in the long run your realise that it wasn’t meant to be and you'll finally be able to move on and start the next chapter of your life (GAY! I know).

It would mean so much if you haven’t already to follow my blog which you can do in the top right hand corner!

Tuesday 21 October 2014

Topman Haul! *Work Clothes*

A few days ago I decided to go Topman and buy some new clothes especially to wear for work. I was determined to stay away from buying baggy jumpers and warm clothes because my work get’s so hot that wearing anything more than a t-shirt or a short sleeve shirt I’d end up sweating like a pig (not attractive!).

The first and only shirt I brought was nothing out of my comfort zone, I mean I love my bright floral prints but because we’re going into the colder seasons, I don’t think it’s suitable for me to be wearing tropical, bright colours when all it does in the UK is rain! So I was lucky enough to find this shirt which is still bold, covered in floral prints but the colour palette is perfect for this time of year.

The next thing I brought was a baggy t-shirt which kind of reminds me of a tie-dyed acid inspired design. I’ve never been a fan of tie-dyed t-shirts which is really weird because I literally love anything which has anything to do with the whole vintage feel. I love the mix between the black and the bloody red which just reminds me of old school Gothic vibe.

Third thing I brought was a dark grey baggy t-shirt with random placed white dots, which kind of remind me of a galaxy inspired print. Easy to throw on with some black skinnies and ready to go! I also like the fact that the sleeves are rolled up just to give it more of an effortless look.

I never use to like the whole American, sporty jersey tops but suddenly I’ve took an interest in them! I picked up a black one (of course it had to be black) with just some simple stripes across the arm and typography across the front. I like the way this top looks on me how it’s baggy but it doesn’t drown me. Another reason why I’m so pleased with this top is because it’s so soft and so versatile you can easily undo it and have it as an over top (thin jacket) with a vest/white t-shirt underneath it.

I kept telling myself to stay away from the knitwear but then I saw this turtleneck and literally couldn’t help myself. I think every time autumn comes around I just get drawn to turtlenecks. I love the fact that it’s so soft and it’s not skin tight but not extremely baggy at the same time. It’s so easy to dress up or down as well which is always a good thing.

Have you been shopping recently? Brought anything nice? Leave a comment and let me know! Or you can tweet me @ryanpaynesworld

Don’t forget to follow my blog which you can easily do in the right hand corner :D

Sunday 19 October 2014

Candle Lover!

So I never really do reviews about anything apart from beauty/make-up related products. However, I really can’t help myself and express what I’ve came across and I’m pretty sure all the candle lovers will be appreciative!

So let me just start by saying if you’re a candle lover then you need to get down to Primark and stock up on one of their new Christmas scented candles
which is cinnamon and maple. This scented candle has easily become one of my favourite candles to burn, after burning the candle for the first time, the next day I went back and brought another two!

I’ve personally never been the biggest fan of cinnamon (maybe it was ever since I did the cinnamon challenge…) I always find with cinnamon scented things that the aroma is too overwhelming for my liking but with this candle the balance is perfect and just screams winter at me.

I’ve been loving burning these candles whilst snuggled in bed watching Ugly Betty (Yes, somehow I’ve gotten back into it, shuuush!) and whilst they smell amazing, they also look cute as well and really do start getting you in the mood for the big season! However, the biggest thing I need to mention is that the candles don’t even cost £1 each…yes…let that just hit you; they cost 80p per candle! Enough said in my eyes!

 Have you tried these candles before? What’s your favourite winter candle?

Tuesday 14 October 2014

Brown! Brown! Brown! *Lip Products*

So they’ve been no secret that the whole brown lip is one of the most talked about high street make-up trend which has kicked off in the last few months. You may ask why all of a sudden everyone is going back to the fuller dark browns. Well does this name ring a bell…Kylie Jenner?

Yes, Kylie Jenner (part of the Kardashian family) has started a whole new trend this season which is all about the lip lined lips and the matte brown lipsticks! This whole new make-up trend came to my attention when I decided to take a visit to Mac, when I got to Mac I fancied buying a brown lipstick to add to my collection and every time I asked one of the staff can I have this lipstick they would turn around and say “sorry, sold out ”. One of the staff explained it was because everyone wanted the ‘Kylie Jenner look’.

After finally getting a brown lipstick (Mac – Spirit). I decided to blog about my top 3 lip products which work together to create such a stunning, sexy brown lip or work perfectly just on their own.


(From left to right)

Lip liner – Latte by I.O.U

Lipstick – Satin, Spirit by Mac

Lip-gloss – Rose Gold by Revlon

What do you guys think about the whole Kylie Jenner look? Love it or hate it? Leave a comment or tweet me @ryanpaynesworld to let me know!

Friday 10 October 2014

Laura Mercier Tinted Moisturizer Oil Free *Review*

It’s no secret that I’m not the biggest fan of trying new foundations but let me just start by saying I’m so happy my friend persuaded me into buying the Laura Mercier Tinted Moisturizer. It has now replaced my beloved Max Factor 3 in 1 foundation which I have been using for over two years!

There’s so many great qualities, why I love this tinted moisturizer, even though it’s a tinted moisturizer it gives of amazing coverage and really does even your skin tone. I love the fact that it’s so light and makes your skin look fresh and gives you a natural, healthy glow but most of all looks like you’re not wearing any make-up at all! It might be on the more pricey side of tinted moisturizers but it’s worth every penny in my eyes (£27).

When I first started using this tinted moisturizer I wasn’t the biggest fan because I wasn’t use to using my fingers when applying my foundation. However, after a few days of using my fingers I finally got use to it. To make sure it was fully buffed into my skin after blending the product with my fingers I get a small brush and just buff my face and neck to make sure it’s all blended.

I love how easy it blends and even using a small amount it really does go along way! It's quite buildable; usually I add a little bit more around my chin to cover the redness. This product is perfect to cover mild acne scars and redness around the face. Another reason why I’m obsessed with this product is because it doesn't crease especially on the drier areas like the under eye area.

What do you guys think? Have you tried this product? Leave a comment or tweet me @ryanpaynesworld

Friday 3 October 2014

New Channel!!

So I don’t actually know what’s been going on the last few weeks, I feel like I’ve lost a lot of motivation from blogging to filming Youtube videos but I’ve just started getting back into it and enjoying doing what I use to love to do! So I’ve finally started my second year at uni, which means I need to plan my time a lot wiser. That being said I’m really excited to announce I’ve started a new channel which is all about Drag and Sylvia Blow (me in drag). This channel is just a light hearted, funny channel expressing a different side to me. I was going to add this to my main channel but decided to just create a new channel. Apart from just having random vlogs, there will also be drag transformations and drag make-up looks which I’m really excited about!

So if you would like to go and check out my second channel the link is below and it would be amazing if you could subscribe!