Thursday 30 October 2014

Going Through A Breakup

I’m just going to start by saying I’m no expect when it comes to relationships or break ups but I wanted to share my opinion on the subject. Okay, so certain things recently have made me think about breakups and how we cope going through one. How vulnerable we are when in a relationship which is the beauty of it since us humans find it hard to let our guard down and depend on people (well at least me anyway).

Like I said I’m no expect. I’ve been in 1 serious relationship but I’ve also managed to really like a few other guys and could have seen myself falling for them but then I ended up getting hurt but now looking back I’ve learnt a lot. I’ve learnt about the things I did wrong and what I shouldn’t have done, however, I’ve also remembered that I did things right! Relationships are a bit like exams; you can’t get everything right (or less your just stupidly smart) but the more times you revise and work hard the more questions you’ll get right, and that’s the same when it comes to relationships. The more you go on dates, meet new people the more you realise the things you’re doing wrong but also the things your doing right.

After coming out of a relationship you don’t really know what you want, and that’s okay. Of course you’re not going to know what you want, you’ve been with somebody (probably in love), depending on them, putting there needs before yours, thinking as long as you’ve got that person by your side; you can take on the world. As time goes on you heal and you realise life goes on. When you’ve cared about someone a lot you never do truly forget them, there’s always going to be something every so often that reminds you of that person and that’s normal. Even if you ended on bad terms I’m sure there were times when you were happy and those times are the times you need to remember, so why would you want to forget them?

Like I wrote earlier after a break up you don’t really know what you want or what to do, but you do notice that your life isn’t the same anymore and that’s what’s going to push you and help you move on. No matter if you’re ready or not, life continues and there’s nothing you can do so you’ve got no choice but to pick yourself up and carry on.  

Looking back at my past relationships and people I was ‘seeing’, I kind of laugh at myself thinking “what was I doing...why didn't I do that?”  and those kind of thoughts are the ones that are going to make you grow as a person and change the way you handle being in a relationship next time.

A lot of people only see breaking up as a bad thing. Yes, breaking up isn’t the nicest thing because you’ve got so use to how things are and depending on your partner and lets not forget you've probably just had your heart broken (which no matter how much ice cream you eat it doesn't really help). However, I’ve learnt positive things do come out of breaking up with someone, I look at it like it’s the world telling you it’s your time to grow as a person and life is taking you on a different path (deep & cheesy I know but that’s how I see it).

One thing you shouldn’t do is regret being in that relationship. Look at it like this, if you weren’t in that relationship you might have not turned out to be the person you are today and you might have made different choices and ended up taking your life down a different path. Or your partner helped kicked started turning your dreams into reality etc. One quote which is so true...

"No relationship is ever a waste of time. If it didn't bring you what you want, it taught you what you don't want."

The last thing I will say is everything happens for a reason. You might have thought you found the one, and you might be heartbroken or going through a breakup right now but in the long run your realise that it wasn’t meant to be and you'll finally be able to move on and start the next chapter of your life (GAY! I know).

It would mean so much if you haven’t already to follow my blog which you can do in the top right hand corner!

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